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 Don't allow your partner to be worried about your inability to satisfy her in bed. Increase your libido whiles enhancing your sexual performance with more energy and stamina. UseBee Pollen and Gin Chia and be a man FOR LIFE ( save your marriage ).
Premature Ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, Low sperm and all related sexual challenges will be solve once and for all with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

The mixture of Gin chia and bee pollen is gaining wonderful reviews from the crowd of men and women.Bee pollen has been said to have wonderful healing and preventative properties beneficial to men's reproductive health. It has been found to prevent prostate problems, increase sperm cell count as well as improve sexual performance and libido. 

In women's reproductive health, pollen has been found to increase libido, eliminate PMS discomfort, as well as improve their ovarian functions. Gin Chia, on the other hand, is Two ancient herbs: golden chia from the West and ginseng from the East, combine to create a modern miracle.

Together these two legendary herbs pack a powerful punch to help you get through the day. 

1. It a Powerful antioxidant 
2.Can help increase stamina and endurance 
3. It Helps support healthy circulation of blood 
4. It increase Sperm count and motility 
5. It Increases Libido
6.It prevent Prostate in men 

I will recommend you buy the V pack if you have been facing this problem for a very long time. More over it also have other health benefits as well.
The 5 in 1 pack is design to tackle the source (ROOT) of the problem and solve it whiles correcting the main problem forever. THIS IS THE ONLY PACK THAT RESURRECTED A DEAD PENIS WITHIN 4 WEEKS 😘😘😘😍😍😍😍
                             OTHER BENEFITS FROM THE  5 IN 1

1.It Support Healthy Blood Circulation 
2.Helps Improve Prostate Health 
3.Help To Regulate Blood Pressure Level 
4.Stabilize blood sugar 
5.Promote Overall Cardiovascular Health 
6.Boost Your Immune System 
7.Support Muscle Growth 
8.Anti Aging Hormones Production 
9.Fat And Glucose Metabolism 
10.Mental Activity 
11.Detoxify the body 

                 Testimonies from some users of the products 

Follow the Instruction Below To Place Your Order.

Total Prices:  Full Vital 5 Pack =Ghc 1200.00 
Half of the Vital 5 Pack =Ghc650.00
Forever 2 in 1 pack =Ghc 200.00

(NB: The Full vital 5 pack is design to tackle the source of the problem and also correct the main problem while the Forever 2 in 1 goes straight to tackle the main problem .)

Text the following information below: 
1. Your Name 
2. Delivery Address 
3. Your Phone Number
4.Expected Delivery Date 
5. Package Type (eg: VITAL 5 FULL PACK GHC 1200.00 or FOREVER 2 IN 1 Pack GHC 200.00) 


Q.  What is the side effect of this Solution?
Ans.  This solution has no side effect, and it has been approved by NAFDAC/FDA
Q.  What age range is this solution effective for?
Ans. This Solution is effective with no side effect for any Age even 70+
Q.  I want to buy one of this two solutions?
Ans. Yes, it is available, but it is advisable to buy the two together so as to get the desired result
Q.  Do I have to keep using this supplements always?
Ans.  You only have to use this solution once to Cure Premature Ejaculation
Q.  What is the dosage/ how do I use this solution
Ans.  Take 1 pill in the morning and evening from Royal jelly and 60ml of the Aloe Gel daily
Q.  Can I start having sex immediately as soon as i start using this supplements?
Ans. No, We advice you stay away from sex for the first 10 days of taking this supplement.
Q.  What if i mistakenly have sex during the first 10 days?
Ans.  This does no harm at all, But it is better you stay away from sex so the supplement can take its full course.
Q.  Do I have to make payment before delivery?
Ans.  yes, You will have to make the payment  before delivery if you are outside Accra.
Q.  Do i still have to call you before placing my order?
 Ans. No, Just follow the steps below to place your order but if you wish, feel free to call.



  • Add to chart 
  • provide your contact, email and shipping address
  • Complete your order and have it Delivered to your doorsteps
  • Once your order is completed we will call to verify

Payment method

  • We accept :

  • Mtn Mobile money

  • GN Mobile money

  • Bank deposit

  • Visa card

1 comment:

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