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Symptoms,side. Effect of candidiasis and how to treat with natural organic. Remedies

Candidiasis is a fungal infection due to any type of Candida (a type of yeast). When it affects the mouth, it is commonly called thrush. Signs and symptoms include white patches on the tongue or other areas of the mouth and throat. Other symptoms may include soreness and problems swallowing. When it affects the vagina, it is commonly called a yeast infection. Signs and symptoms include genital itching, burning, and sometimes a white "cottage cheese-like" discharge from the vagina. Less commonly the penis may be affected, resulting in itchiness. Very rarely, the infection may become invasive spreading throughout the body, resulting in fevers along with other symptoms depending on the parts of the body affected.
More than 20 types of Candida can cause infection with Candida albicans being the most common. Infections of the mouth are most common among children less than one month old, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems. Conditions that result in a weak immune system include HIV/AIDS, the medications used after organ transplantation, diabetes, and the use of corticosteroids. Other risks include dentures and following antibiotic therapy. Vaginal infections occur more commonly during pregnancy, in those with weak immune systems, and following antibiotic use. Risk for widespread infection includes being in an intensive care unit, following surgery, low birth weight infants, and those with weak immune systems.

Are you worried about your;   
    1.Vaginal itching
2.Vaginal burning with intercourse or urination
3.Vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese (thick and white) that is odorless
4.Vagina Rash
5.Vagina Soreness
6.Vagina Pain

7. Unpleasant Vagina odor?www.sexhess.blogspot.com


What causes vaginal yeast infections?

The Candida genus of yeast is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area. Its growth is kept in check by the lactobacillus bacteria. However, these bacteria can’t work effectively if there’s an imbalance in your system. This leads to an overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections.

Most yeast infections are caused by a specific kind of yeast called Candida albicans. These yeast infections are easily treatable. If you’re having recurring yeast infections or problems getting rid of a yeast infection with conventional treatment, then a different version of Candida might be the culprit. A lab test can let your doctor know which type of Candida you have.
The imbalance that allows the overgrowth of yeast to happen can be due to:
  • antibiotics (they lower the amount of lactobacillus, or good bacteria, in the vagina)
  • pregnancy
  • uncontrolled diabetes
  • weak immune system
  • poor eating habits, including a lot of sugary foods
  • hormonal imbalance near your menstrual cycle
  • stress
  • lack of sleep

What are the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection?

Vaginal yeast infections have a common set of symptoms. Usually the length of time your yeast infection is left untreated has a direct impact on how severe your symptoms are.

Frequent symptoms include:
  • itching
  • burning
  • large or small amounts of vaginal discharge, often whitish gray and thick (although there are also times the discharge can be watery)
  • pain during sex
  • soreness
  • rash

What is the best way to prevention vaginal yeast infection?

Each yeast infection is different, so your nutritionalist will suggest a prevention that’s best for you. Prevention are generally determined based on an infection’s severity.

Simple infections

For simple yeast infections, your doctor will usually prescribe the following treatment(s):
  • A one- to three-day regimen of an antifungal cream, ointment, tablet, or suppository. Common antifungal medications are butoconazole(Gynazole), miconazole (Lotrimin), Monistat, and terconazole (Terazol). These medications can be in prescription or over-the-counter form.
  • A single dose of oral medication, such as fluconazole (Diflucan).
Women with simple yeast infections should follow up with their doctor to make sure the medicine worked. A follow-up will also be necessary if your symptoms return within two months.

Complicated infections

Certain types of Candida will not respond to normal treatment and will require a more aggressive course of action. If you meet one of the following criteria, your Nutritionist will more than likely prevent your yeast infection as if it were a severe or complicated case.
  • You have severe redness, swelling, and itching that leads to sores or tears in your vaginal tissue.
  • You have had more than four yeast infections in a year.
  • Your infection is caused by Candida other than albicans.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You have uncontrolled diabetes or a weak immune system from medication or from being HIV-positive.
Possible prevention for severe or complicated yeast infections include:
  • treatment of your sexual partner or use of condoms when having sex
  • Taking natural nutritional supplements

What natural and alternative solutions are available?

You can treat vaginal yeast infections with natural remedies if you would like to avoid taking prescription medication. These are some popular natural remedies:
  • Taken of natural nutritional supplements

How do you prevent vaginal yeast infections?

In many cases, you may know exactly what led to your yeast infection. For example, some women experience these infections every time they take antibiotics. By recognizing your own risk factors, you can prevent future infections.
Here are some common methods of prevention. Most are targeted at avoiding bacteria growth near the vagina:
  • avoid wearing tight pants, pantyhose, tights, or leggings
  • avoid using feminine deodorant or deodorant tampons or pads
  • don’t sit around in wet clothing, especially bathing suits
  • eat a well-balanced diet
  • eat yogurt or take supplements with lactobacillus
  • wear natural fibers such as cotton, linen, or silk
  • avoid sitting in hot tubs or taking frequent hot tub baths
  • wash underwear in hot water
  • avoid douching
  • replace old feminine products frequently


A man is considered to have erectile dysfunction when he has regular difficulty in getting or maintaining a firm enough erection to be able to achieve sexual penetration, or which interferes with non-penetrative sexual activity.
 Most men have occasionally experienced some difficulty with their penis becoming hard or staying firm, but this is not normally cause for a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction. This condition is only considered a concern if satisfactory sexual performance has been impossible on a persistent number of occasions for some time. 
Broadly, two forms of erectile dysfunction can affect men's sex lives - the main cause is either medical or psychosocial. 

Here, psychosocial refers to the psychological effects - including the effects of social relationships - on sexual performance. Medical conditions can also affect psychological wellbeing, meaning that, while the primary cause of sexual impotence is typically either medical or psychological, there is often overlap between the two. 
Erectile dysfunction used to be known more widely as 'impotence' before the causes became better understood and successful treatments came into use. Impotence is a term that is still in use, however, although it can be seen as pejorative. 

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

It is always worth consulting a physician about persistent erection problems as the cause of erectile dysfunction could be any one of a number of serious medical conditions. Whether the cause is simple or serious, a proper diagnosis can help to address any underlying medical issues and can help resolve sexual difficulties. 
The following list summarizes many of the most common physical/organic causes of erectile dysfunction. 
  • Heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure (These first three are discussed above)
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity and metabolic syndrome (which are also risk factors for diabetes)
  • Hormonal disorders including thyroid conditions and testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism)
  • Structural/anatomical disorder of the penis, such as Peyronie disease
  • Smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse, including cocaine use
  • Treatments for prostate disease
  • Injuries in the pelvic area or spinal cord

Health Benefits of Sex

Regular sex cannot be underestimated as a factor for reducing stress, bolstering self-esteem and fostering feelings of intimacy and bonding between partners.
 But the real point of this article is the fact that a healthy sex life can provide for a longer, healthier and, most would agree, more enjoyable life. Among the many health benefits of sex are:
  1. Improved Immunity
People who have sex frequently (one or two times a week) have significantly higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA). Your IgA immune system is your body's first line of defense. Its job is to fight off invading organisms at their entry points, reducing or even eliminating the need for activation of your body's immune system. This may explain why people who have sex frequently also take fewer sick days 
2. Heart Health 
 Men who made love regularly (at least twice a week) were 45 percent less likely to develop heart disease than those who did so once a month or less, according to one study.  Sexual activity not only provides many of the same benefits to your heart as exercise but also keeps levels of estrogen and testosterone in balance, which is important for heart health. 
3. Lower Blood Pressure 
 Sexual activity, and specifically intercourse, is linked to better stress response and lower blood pressure.
4. It's a Form of Exercise
Sex helps to boost your heart rate, burn calories and strengthen muscles, just like exercise. In fact, research recently revealed that sex burns about 4 calories a minute for men and 3 for women, making it (at times) a 'significant' form of exercise.  It can even help you to maintain your flexibility and balance. 
5. Pain Relief
Sexual activity releases pain-reducing hormones and has been found to help reduce or block back and leg pain, as well as pain from menstrual cramps, arthritis and headaches. One study even found that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete relief of headache in some migraine and cluster-headache patients. 
6. May Help Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer
Research has shown that men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month (during sex or masturbation) have a lower risk of prostate cancer. This link needs to be explored further, however, as there may have been additional factors involved in the association. 
7. Improve Sleep
After sex, the relaxation-inducing hormone prolactin is released, which may help you to nod off more quickly. The "love hormone" oxytocin, released during orgasm, also promotes sleep. 
8. Stress Relief
Sex triggers your body to release its natural feel-good chemicals, helping to ease stress and boost pleasure, calm and self-esteem. Research also shows that those who have sexual intercourse responded better when subjected to stressful situations like speaking in public. 
9. Boost Your Libido
The more often you have sex, the more likely you are to want to keep doing it. There's a mental connection there but also a physical one, particularly for women. More frequent sex helps to increase vaginal lubrication, blood flow and elasticity  which in turn make sexual activity more enjoyable. 
10. Improved Bladder Control in Women
Intercourse helps to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which contract during orgasm. This can help women to improve their bladder control and avoid incontinence. You can boost this benefit even more by practicing Kegel exercises during sex (a Kegel squeeze is performed by drawing your lower pelvic muscles up and holding them up high and tight, as if you're trying to stop a flow of urine). 
11. Increase Intimacy and Improve Your Relationship
Sex and orgasms result in increased levels of the hormone oxytocin -- the "love" hormone -- that helps you feel bonded to your partner, and better experience empathic connections

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