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Benefit of Forever Royal jelly

Royal Jelly is a milky secretion derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. This is considered as “super food” of the bees; it is specially blended with enzymes and fed to each bee destined to become a queen. This food is what enables the queen bee to lay up to 3,000 eggs per day during her six year lifespan.
Worker bees eating ordinary honey only lives for four to six weeks.
Nutrient Content of Royal JellyRoyal Jelly contains Vitamins A, C, D, and E and is also a rich natural storehouse of the B-complex vitamins. A major ingredient is vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid), one of the most important substances in the body, essential for the synthesis and metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and several hormones.
Minerals Content of Royal Jelly: Manganese, Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Silicone, Iron, Potassium, Chromium, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Strontium
Amino Acid: Royal Jelly also contains all eight essential amino acids plus ten secondary amino acids.
Royal Jelly Health Benefits:
  • Royal Jelly improves the general state of the body; it increases mental and physical capacity.
  • Royal Jelly helps improve the eyesight of older people.
  • Royal Jelly has a beneficial effect on angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, depression, etc.
  • Royal Jelly has a strong aphrodisiac effect.
  • Royal Jelly reduces cholesterol in the blood.

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  • Royal Jelly helps in the healing of whopping cough and tuberculosis.
  • Royal Jelly helps in cases of migraines, stomach pain and fatigue.
  • Royal Jelly has strong antibacterial and antiviral action.
  • Royal Jelly is a cell rejuvenator – a strong anti-aging food.
  • Royal Jelly increases fertility and decreasing impotency.
  • Royal Jelly helps in problem of skin diseases like; dry skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles etc.
  • Royal Jelly can help prevent hair loss because it contains a large amount of B complex vitamins (pantothenic acids) that is beneficial on hair growth.
Forever Living Product Royal Jelly
Forever Royal Jelly gathered from dry, remote, high desert regions where pristine conditions provide the good environment for beehives. Forever Royal Jelly is considered as one of the most complete foods, it is easily absorbed in the stomach and since it is made by Forever Living Products, rest assured it only contains the best ingredients…no preservatives, no artificial colors and flavors.
Ingredients: Royal Jelly Powder 250mg
Other Ingredients: Sorbitol, Fructose, Citric Acid, Natural Orange Flavor, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Silica.
Contents: 60 tablets (250 mg. each)
Directions: Take one tablet, twice daily
Information on this page is from forever living products

Q.  What is the side effect of this Solution?
Ans.  This solution has no side effect, and it has been approved by NAFDAC/FDA
Q.  What age range is this solution effective for?
Ans. This Solution is effective with no side effect for any Age even 70+
Q.  I want to buy one of this two solutions?
Ans. Yes, it is available, but it is advisable to buy the two together so as to get the desired result
Q.  Do I have to keep using this supplements always?
Ans.  You only have to use this solution once to Cure Premature Ejaculation
Q.  What is the dosage/ how do I use this solution
Ans.  Take 1 pill in the morning and evening from Royal jelly and 60ml of the Aloe Gel daily
Q.  Can I start having sex immediately as soon as i start using this supplements?
Ans. No, We advice you stay away from sex for the first 10 days of taking this supplement.
Q.  What if i mistakenly have sex during the first 10 days?
Ans.  This does no harm at all, But it is better you stay away from sex so the supplement can take its full course.
Q.  Do I have to make payment before delivery?
Ans.  yes, You will have to make the payment  before delivery if you are outside Accra.
Q.  Do i still have to call you before placing my order?
 Ans. No, Just follow the steps below to place your order but if you wish, feel free to call.



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  • Complete your order and have it Delivered to your doorsteps
  • Once your order is completed we will call to verify

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